• Complete the tour and scan our QR code in your enrolment pack.

  • Fill out the enrolment form, (please complete this form to also join the waitlist) upload your child’s immunisation record and birth certificate. Click submit.

  • We will contact you on the Friday after your enrolment form is submitted.

  • Create OWNA account.

  • Sign CWA, complete DDR form.

  • Once an offer has been accepted and enrolment fee has been paid. Orientation day will be booked free of charge. Orientation runs from 9:30am-1:30pm.

Please note that enrolment is not secure until enrolment fee is paid.

We look forward to having your family a part of ours.



The first day at Empower marks a significant moment in your child’s journey. 

While children are resilient, the settling period will look different for every child. We want to support you to make the transition as smooth as possible so we have put together some helpful tips.

Reassurance is everything.
Talk to your child about attending Empower, show them OWNA and our Instagram page, use their teachers and friends names and show them group posts of the children they will be joining. Speak to them about how you will be separated throughout the day, show your child through your positive communication and body language that this is a safe environment that you both love and trust. Reassuring your child that you will be picking them up, a visual cue is always the best way to explain time to your child. The team at Empower will give you more information on arrival transitions during your tour.
Book your tour now.

Independence builds confidence.
Choose a bag with your child and get your child involved in the process of packing their bag. Please ensure all your child’s belongings are labelled and a bag tag has been placed on their bag. 

What to pack: a water bottle, spare change of clothes for both warm and cool weather, formula if needed, cot sheet, blanket, socks and your child’s hat, (We will provide this to you on orientation day.)

What we provide: nappies, wipes, meals, sunscreen and hat.

Morning routine.
We ask that all children arrive at the service by 9:30am to ensure they’re getting the most out of our curriculum. Getting into a flow with your child in the morning will assist them with their settling in transition. Arriving at the service around the same time each morning and assisting your child to sign into their room. The team at Empower will give you more information on arrival transitions during your tour. Book your tour now. 

Saying goodbye.
Letting your child know you’re going to go now and will be back, giving them a hug is the best way. Quick transitions will assist us in the next step of the process if your child is upset, be reassured that we are professionals and are passionate about what we do and will ensure your child has the best possible day. You will see all the updates on how your child is progressing throughout the day on OWNA.

 E N R O L M E N T